Verify Addresses Across US Canada and 245+ Countries Using Address Verification Software

For any business with international customers, accurate address verification is key to effectively communicate with them, deliver products and services, run loyalty programs, run billing processes or even ship merchandise. Poor data quality often leads to undelivered mail, returned items and a bad user experience for your customers. Address validation software compares a user-inputted address to a database of valid addresses to find errors and inconsistencies and correct them on the spot – think of that pop-up window at checkout asking if you want to verify your address before completing your order!

In addition to identifying spelling mistakes, erroneous house numbers and postal codes, an address verification system may also append latitude and longitude coordinates or break an address down into its components to ensure that it is formatted properly for mailing. Many of these solutions are cloud-based and offer real-time address validation or API integration into other applications and databases.

Some of the leading solutions include Melissa Data, Experian Data Quality and SmartyStreets which validate and cleanse global addresses at both the point of entry and in batch to improve delivery predictability, reduce fraud and error, and optimize mail delivery logistics. Their software integrates with various applications, databases and programming languages making it easy to implement at multiple touchpoints. They also support multiple languages and alphabets to help businesses reach more of their international customer base.
